A survey of robots.txt - part two

In part one of this article, I collected robots.txt from the top 1 million sites on the web. In this article I’m going to do some analysis, and see if there’s anything interesting to find from all the files I’ve collected.

First we’ll start with some setup.

1%matplotlib inline
3import pandas as pd
4import numpy as np
5import glob
6import os
7import matplotlib

Next I’m going to load the content of each file into my pandas dataframe, calculate the file size, and store that for later.

1l = [filename.split('/')[1] for filename in glob.glob('robots-txt/\*')]
2df = pd.DataFrame(l, columns=['domain'])
3df['content'] = df.apply(lambda x: open('robots-txt/' + x['domain']).read(), axis=1)
4df['size'] = df.apply(lambda x: os.path.getsize('robots-txt/' + x['domain']), axis=1)
612419veapple.comUser-agent: *\nAllow: /\n\nSitemap: http://www...260
622296buscadortransportes.comUser-agent: *\nDisallow: /out/29
147795dailynews360.comUser-agent: *\nAllow: /\n\nDisallow: /search/\...248
72823newfoundlandpower.comUser-agent: *\nDisallow: /Search.aspx\nDisallo...528
601408xfwed.com#\n# robots.txt for www.xfwed.com\n# Version 3...201

File sizes

Now that we’ve done the setup, let’s see what the spread of file sizes in robots.txt is.

1fig = df.plot.hist(title='robots.txt file size', bins=20)


It looks like the majority of robots.txt are under 250KB in size. This is really no surprise as robots.txt supports regex, so complex rulesets can be built easily.

Let’s take a look at the files larger than 1MB. I can think of three possibilities: they’re automatically maintained; they’re some other file masquerading as robots.txt; or the site is doing something seriously wrong.

1large = df[df['size'] > 10 ** 6].sort_values(by='size', ascending=False)
 1import re
 3def count_directives(value, domain):
 4content = domain['content']
 5return len(re.findall(value, content, re.IGNORECASE))
 7large['disallow'] = large.apply(lambda x: count_directives('Disallow', x), axis=1)
 8large['user-agent'] = large.apply(lambda x: count_directives('User-agent', x), axis=1)
 9large['comments'] = large.apply(lambda x: count_directives('#', x), axis=1)
11# The directives below are non-standard
13large['crawl-delay'] = large.apply(lambda x: count_directives('Crawl-delay', x), axis=1)
14large['allow'] = large.apply(lambda x: count_directives('Allow', x), axis=1)
15large['sitemap'] = large.apply(lambda x: count_directives('Sitemap', x), axis=1)
16large['host'] = large.apply(lambda x: count_directives('Host', x), axis=1)
632170haberborsa.com.trUser-agent: *\nAllow: /\n\nDisallow: /?ref=\nD...58203507124420071245510
23216miradavetiye.comSitemap: https://www.miradavetiye.com/sitemap_...5028384470267004702620
282904americanrvcompany.comSitemap: http://www.americanrvcompany.com/site...4904266568461105685220
446326exibart.comUser-Agent: *\nAllow: /\nDisallow: /notizia.as...3275088614031006140400
55309vibralia.com# robots.txt automaticaly generated by PrestaS...28355523971211503973600
124850oftalmolog30.ruUser-Agent: *\nHost: chuzmsch.ru\nSitemap: htt...2831975877521008775222
677400bigclozet.comUser-agent: *\nDisallow: /item/\n\nUser-agent:...2708717512214005122100
621834tranzilla.ruHost: tranzilla.ru\nSitemap: http://tranzilla....2133091276471002764821
428735autobaraholka.comUser-Agent: *\nDisallow: /registration/\nDisal...1756983393301003933002
628591megasmokers.ruUser-agent: *\nDisallow: /*route=account/\nDis...1633963922009221
647336valencia-cityguide.com# If the Joomla site is installed within a fol...155908617719112017719199
663372vetality.fr# robots.txt automaticaly generated by PrestaS...15367582773711202773700
105735golden-bee.ruUser-agent: Yandex\nDisallow: /*_openstat\nDis...1139308240814102408101
454311dreamitalive.comuser-agent: google\ndisallow: /memberprofileda...1116416343923003440109
245895gobankingrates.comUser-agent: *\nDisallow: /wp-admin/\nAllow: /w...1018109736228202736300

It looks like all of these sites are misusing Disallow and Allow. In fact, looking at the raw files it appears as if they list all of the articles on the site under an individual Disallow command. I can only guess that when publishing an article, a corresponding line in robots.txt is added.

Now let’s take a look at the smallest robots.txt

1small = df[df['size'] > 0].sort_values(by='size', ascending=True)

There’s not really anything interesting here, so let’s take a look at some larger files

1small = df[df['size'] > 10].sort_values(by='size', ascending=True)
329775klue.krDisallow: /11
390064chneic.sh.cnDisallow: /11
355604hpi-mdf.comDisallow: /11

Disallow: / tells all webcrawlers not to crawl anything on this site, and should (hopefully) keep it out of any search engines, but not all webcrawlers follow robots.txt.

User agents

User agents can be listed in robots.txt to either Allow or Disallow certain paths. Let’s take a look at the most common webcrawlers.

1from collections import Counter
3def find_user_agents(content):
4    return re.findall('User-agent:? (.*)', content)
6user_agent_list = [find_user_agents(x) for x in df['content']]
7user_agent_count = Counter(x.strip() for xs in user_agent_list for x in set(xs))
 1[('*', 587729),
 2('Mediapartners-Google', 36654),
 3('Yandex', 29065),
 4('Googlebot', 25932),
 5('MJ12bot', 22250),
 6('Googlebot-Image', 16680),
 7('Baiduspider', 13646),
 8('ia_archiver', 13592),
 9('Nutch', 11204),
10('AhrefsBot', 11108)]

It’s no surprise that the top result is a wildcard (*). Google takes spots 2, 4, and 6 with their AdSense, search and image web crawlers respectively. It does seem a little strange to see the AdSense bot listed above the usual search web crawler. Some of the other large search engines’ bots are also found in the top 10: Yandex, Baidu, and Yahoo (Slurp). MJ12bot is a crawler I had not heard of before, but according to their site it belongs to a UK based SEO company—and according to some of the results about it, it doesn’t behave very well. ia_archiver belongs to The Internet Archive, and (I assume) crawls pages for the Wayback Machine. Finally there is Apache Nutch, an open source webcrawler that can be run by anyone.

Security by obscurity

There are certain paths that you might not want a webcrawler to know about. For example, a .git directory, htpasswd files, or parts of a site that are still in testing, and aren’t meant to be found by anyone on Google. Let’s see if there’s anything interesting.

1sec_obs = ['\.git', 'alpha', 'beta', 'secret', 'htpasswd', 'install\.php', 'setup\.php']
2sec_obs_regex = re.compile('|'.join(sec_obs))
4def find_security_by_obscurity(content):
5return sec_obs_regex.findall(content)
7sec_obs_list = [find_security_by_obscurity(x) for x in df['content']]
8sec_obs_count = Counter(x.strip() for xs in sec_obs_list for x in set(xs))
1[('install.php', 28925),
2('beta', 2834),
3('secret', 753),
4('alpha', 597),
5('.git', 436),
6('setup.php', 73),
7('htpasswd', 45)]

Just because a file or directory is mentioned in robots.txt, it doesn’t mean that it can actually be accessed. However, if even 1% of Wordpress installs leave their install.php open to the world, that’s still a lot of vulnerable sites. Any attacker could get the keys to the kingdom very easily. The same goes for a .git directory. Even if it is read-only, people accidentally commit secrets to their git repository all the time.


robots.txt is a fairly innocuous part of the web. It’s been interesting to see how popular websites (ab)use it, and which web crawlers are naughty or nice. Most of all this has been a great exercise for myself in collecting data and analysing it using pandas and Jupyter.

The full data set is released under the Open Database License (ODbL) v1.0 and can be found on GitHub

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